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Welcome To My Eportfolio

If someone would have asked me last year if I wanted to make an eportfolio, my immediate answer would have been absolutely not. For one, I barely know how to work a computer. Besides that, I'm not a huge fan of writing on a screen-- I much prefer the old fashion pen and paper. 


When I applied to the Minor in Writing (MiW) at U of M, I had no idea that the one big component of it was making an eportfolio. Had I not been too lazy to rearrange my schedule, I probably would have dropped the class for that reason, and I honestly thought about it. It seemed so overwhelming and I remained very stuck in my old ways of non-electronic forms of writing. 

Here I am, nearly four months later, extremely glad that I was too lazy to drop the class. I surprised myself, and realized that I actually enjoyed making this eportfolio. It allowed me to organize and showcase my writing which is something I have never done before. I know it's cliche, but in a way, it has allowed me to "come out of my shell", because I have never really shared my writing with any audience besides the teacher grading it. It has help me expand and redefine the reasons that I write.


For the MiW, I began with an old writing project called Olympic Gymnast which is a short memoir I wrote about how I used to be in a wheelchair. I turned that into Project II which is an academic essay about able-bodied privilege. That then turned into a short story called How To Survive Middle School... On Wheels.


Take a look, see what you like, and enjoy the ride.


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